So. Uh. After looking at SvS's price tag and the amount of money I had left after discounted nep sale, I settled for playing 4GO instead. Here's what I have to say about it.
The story is usual Nep-style shenanigans, but this time it's more or less Vert doing MMO things and everyone else tagging along. It's simple, so I won't spoil it. It's made on UE4, which is unusual (compa screwed up a lot of things on launch, most of which are fixed by now), but that doesn't detract from the game's quality. As for gameplay, you basically take a nep and attack everything with it. Every nep has skills and you get SP to use them, which recharges at snail's pace as you attack and near-instantly with the help of items. Skills are fun to use, but I stuck with one character towards the end of the game. It takes inspiration from things like PSO, Mabinogi, etc. Beru did say something about castle siege battles at one point, so I wonder if they KNOW about things like UO, EQ, L2, Flyff etc...
Anyway, I managed to get all achievements from it, unlike Nep RPG, which had scenes I completely missed. It was a decently fun ride, but should you want to play it, beware: this game can be completely broken just by using a certain character all the time. Next up: Senrans x Neps. I hope it'll be fun!