Shipped. Pixiv manufactures some items in-house on demand, so that explains the delay. Stickers were actually keychain accessories, which after some reading I found take about 10 days for them to process the order. It didn't cross my mind but there is a disclaimer which reads:
>Your item will be created after you send in your order.
So that explains that. I still had 20 days of free storage on my items, so I was able to consolidate the packages and ship it. I will probably make a larger order with slower shipping to cut costs next time, but this has just been a test run. I think I actually fucked up because the keychains arrived with no price information, and Buyee required me to fill that in for the invoice. I ordered two, but entered the value of one, and after I filled it out, I couldn't change it. Not too worried because I assume the invoice is for customs, and I think the chance they give a shit about these keychains is slim to none.
Package should arrive by next week if everything goes well. IDK if this is useful or interesting but that is my blog for the day.