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File: 1696783561180.jpg -(60238 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
60238 No.1942   [Reply]

Babe. Wake the fuck up. New touhou whale.

>> No.1946  


File: 1696201360793.png -(110864 B, 1500x1900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
110864 No.1912   [Reply]


>> No.1913  
>> No.1922  

Large marge

File: 1694880587092.jpg -(2701845 B, 2000x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2701845 No.1826   [Reply]

It's time to vote for your favorite hu to win.
Voting is available now until the end of the month.

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1829  

Are you implying that you consider MoF real touhou?

>> No.1895  

One last day to vote.

>> No.1900  

Aw man. There's TWO voting threads!

>> No.1905  
File: 1696090532662.jpg -(94759 B, 807x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Marisa wins this year.

>> No.1906  

wow its fucking nothing

File: 1695323413105.png -(387513 B, 600x371) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
387513 No.1854   [Reply]

Wake up family, who we voting?

>> No.1856  

youmunaggers have rigged the election

>> No.1860  

that was 2 years ago
now let's see if flan steals it again

>captcha ho
>> No.1898  
File: 1696022187863.jpg -(138991 B, 635x336) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I mog you.

File: 1695483764899.jpg -(349453 B, 1084x817) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
349453 No.1862   [Reply]

bought some more shekels :DDDD
shoutouts to goosecoin and king george

>> No.1863  

what are you going to spend them on

>> No.1864  
File: 1695490895128.png -(18572 B, 600x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

that's the best part, nothing

>> No.1907  

got some victorian era newfoundland coins today

File: 1694780137748.png -(39546 B, 630x630) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
39546 No.1820   [Reply]

Discussed in >>1070, probably better split off into its own thread.

TL;DR: Game engine Unity will start charging developers for game installs starting in 2024. Everybody is super pissed because it's a ridiculous term that could ruin devs intentionally (people maliciously sending install telemetry) or unintentionally (sudden increase in installs from sudden popularity, charity events etc incurring costs the dev can't pay).

2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1831  
File: 1694934517181.jpg -(230839 B, 1398x1176) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

never liked everyone using unity but i also never liked the alternative (ue4-5) that everyone is probably going to switch to after this

>> No.1832  

Alternative is was and always will be rolling your own
But cashgrabs (led by el cheapo horror stuff) had mostly already moved on to UE before this anyway

>> No.1833  

I assumed that they're going to switch to Godot instead. I believe a lot people use Unity because it was free below a certain revenue threshold. Godot fills that market niche better than UE, because it's completely free.

>> No.1834  

Godot is literally a worse platform than Scratch, both from the dev and the user perspective.
More restrictive license, too
Go play PornEmpire if you want a representative experience of the quality of godot's native UI tools compared to e.g. unitytrash.

>> No.1861  

They've changed the terms. The runtime fee now applies only to games made with Unity versions released in 2024 or later (so no existing games) and is based on the number of sales (rather than installs or whatever) for games that aren't F2P.

File: 1683698441876.png -(106603 B, 1199x898) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
106603 No.1235   [Reply]
>> No.1250  

go get em tiger

>> No.1836  

got em

>> No.1839  

The best time of the day has flanally come!

File: 1694703591029.png -(32034 B, 508x449) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32034 No.1809   [Reply]

what was Pooshlmer like?

>> No.1817  
File: 1694758425621.png -(10777 B, 800x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

see for you are self

File: 1673425919668.png -(425798 B, 675x675) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
425798 No.299   [Reply]

what's wrong with being a teen though?
meta thread

54 posts and 30 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.411  

old teens. running the world

>> No.433  
File: 1673769163159.png -(51065 B, 800x650) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.448  
File: 1673870275475.jpg -(12214 B, 223x226) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

gonna post spanish touhou facebook memes here sometimes I guess

>> No.449  
File: 1673870336606.jpg -(10886 B, 259x194) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1781  

Ben Garrison's artstyle has changed

File: 1694065031431.png -(234836 B, 714x362) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
234836 No.1761   [Reply]

Anyone know what this is from?

>> No.1765  

Munasawagi no Houkago (Heart-throbbing After School)

>> No.1768  

Huh, I'd read almost all his other stuff but somehow not it. It was all worth a reread anyway, his stuff is good. I like his formula of 'lez puts the moves on some girl who then instantly attacks/responds'.

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