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137257 No.1938  

For any Haven & Hearth players who didn't get the news yet: World 15 starts this Friday at 19:00 UTC.

I'll be playing solo, but maybe other buns want to team up.

>> No.1940  

Didn't that game become p2w a decade ago?

>> No.1941  

No, but it did become effectively P2P (since 2015); you can pay a one-time fee plus a monthly sub to get significant advantages, but can't pay for advantage beyond that. (In the first year of this system, free players were limited to playing only X hours per week, but that was dropped fairly quickly.)

Well, until this world apparently. The world announcement contained plans for a minor P2W element for the first time (being able to expand containers for real money), though there is a change they might refrain from implementing it due to negative feedback.

>> No.1945  
>pay a one-time fee plus a monthly sub to get significant advantages

that's pay to win

>being able to expand containers for real money

stash tabs are cancer

i will warmly wait for the private server

>> No.1947  
File: 1696811039919.png -(722632 B, 1116x690) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

p2p is p2w in a game that's fundamentally about disposable accounts

>> No.1948  

One-time fee plus monthly payments is the default for traditional MMOs. It's not P2W unless you can pay more to win more (you get no advantages beyond the sub).

I do agree the new P2W containers are bullshit though, and I sincerely hope they drop that idea before world launch.

It's per account, not per character obviously. (And unlike Something Awful, account bans are unheard of in Haven; AFAIK not even blatant bug abusers get banned.) Unless character growth and extra inventory space are relevant on a secondary character you're playing in a second window while active on your main at the same time, there's no point in verifying/subbing your secondary account(s). The verification + sub bonus counts for all characters on the account, including your alts.

>> No.1949  
File: 1696860818154.png -(180575 B, 484x328) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

what's the going rate of ingame gold to sub tokens?

>> No.1952  

Player-defined. You'll have a hard time getting anything of value with tokens early world (judging by the lack of trade threads on the forums and high initial prices when they do pop up). After that it depends on the economy. Looks like W14 ended with one token being worth roughly the same as one bar of gold, which in turn is about 100 desirable common items (iron bars, ropes, etc).

I don't have any personal experience with RMT though.

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