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File: 1689331762571.jpg -(911863 B, 2643x4096) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
911863 No.1513   [Reply]

There was a doujin where mari/alice/patche were trying to grow a flower after destroying koakuma's (sakyua's) flower where they all point at each other twice
anyone know what it was?

>> No.1514  
File: 1689357303647.jpg -(419922 B, 1280x1812) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1515  
File: 1689358804554.jpg -(1408829 B, 2636x1999) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

that's it thanks

File: 1688835109821.png -(1090395 B, 1310x815) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1090395 No.1487   [Reply]

fun things are fun
https://civitai.com has all the fun goodmods to improve the ai generated art
You can get LoRAs to make specific characters or outfits and textual inversions like easynegative to save time coming up with negative prompts.
Make sure to grab a VAE appropriate for you model if you don't want to deal with purple splotches or washed out colors when making highres images.
In the past year since it we got it the tech has become much more usable and consistent in providing good results.

post tips, tricks, and what you're working on here

>> No.1491  
File: 1688848460861.png -(976617 B, 768x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't trust online generators and I don't have the hardware to run it locally. I'll probably check it out in a couple years.

(image not mine, obviously)

>> No.1494  

my rtx 3070 can handle it but my dick cannot

>> No.1495  

Sometimes sacrifices need to be made, anon.

File: 1688190975176.png -(517717 B, 1000x1412) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
517717 No.1439   [Reply]

rabbit rabbit rabbit

>> No.1440  
File: 1688217155703.jpg -(93110 B, 548x492) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1679844940329.jpg -(7285077 B, 1920x12779) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
7285077 No.1042   [Reply]

Are you ready for more isekai?

19 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1256  
File: 1684138729999.jpg -(120224 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

smack my bitch up

>> No.1257  
File: 1684198137014.png -(2413 B, 253x28) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was rewatching the first Cinderella Girls anime and it had some of the girls doing bungee jumping, also. Is throwing cute girls off a bridge typical in the idol industry?

>> No.1258  

from what i understand throwing them under a bus is more common

>> No.1401  

summer 2023 doesn't even deserve a thread, there's fucking nothing

>> No.1434  
File: 1688083466196.jpg -(173362 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can't believe Kaguya-sama is a filthy slut.

File: 1687194755457.png -(114357 B, 250x268) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
114357 No.1349   [Reply]

Strange things are afoot and they must be discussed.

10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1374  

The currently fucked threads are 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 15, and 25. They seem to get deleted when I rebuild the cache, let me know if they disappear again. There's probably a way to put them back into the table to make them usable again but I'm too retarded to figure it out.

>> No.1378  

the old short thoughts is gone too

>> No.1379  

That was >>11. You can still view it by manually going to the URL: https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/11.html

>> No.1380  
File: 1687393870322.jpg -(202713 B, 843x841) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I might as well post the rest.

>>1 welcome back: https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/1.html
>>3 (Aya image, no text): https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/3.html
>>6 (Sakuya image, no text): https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/5.html
>>7 post in this thread every time you bun here: https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/7.html
>>8 Winter 2023 Anime https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/8.html
>>11 Short Thoughts: https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/11.html
>>15 /bant/ culture thread: https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/15.html
>>25 Post the last image/GIF you saved: https://bunbunmaru.ca/wakaba/res/25.html

>> No.1381  
File: 1687394654496.png -(864155 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Also checked the post counts while I was at it:
>>1: 30
>>3: 13
>>6: 3
>>7: 144
>>8: 54
>>11: 38
>>15: 2
>>25: 102 (as of the backup, more since then)

>>Total: 386

The numbers check out. We've been close (and presumably over) the 1000 posts before, and the 'last image' thread pushed the board over 1000 posts. After that got deleted, we were under 1000 posts again, stopping the cleanup.

File: 1687358503359.gif -(1039300 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1039300 No.1375   [Reply]

Don't touch it, don't touch it
Watch over it softly, with sweet love

File: 1687220455853.jpg -(194059 B, 768x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
194059 No.1358   [Reply]

What does it mean to be a good person?

>> No.1365  
File: 1687279125019.png -(22370 B, 627x970) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

All I know is that fixing this website for free will make you one.

File: 1687208988406.png -(16974 B, 516x271) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
16974 No.1355   [Reply]

I can't believe we all just handed Cloudflare the keys to the internet.

File: 1672656628270.png -(32788 B, 800x520) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32788 No.98   [Reply]


>> No.1347  

dude that was personal

>> No.1348  

No, dude, now it's personal...

File: 1686443999385.jpg -(678271 B, 2920x4096) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
678271 No.1329   [Reply]

Does it ever scare you that what you think is true might be false, and when you think you're doing right you may be doing wrong?

>> No.1330  
File: 1686479556605.jpg -(2890451 B, 3541x2508) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No it's one of my more significant sources of confidence lol
Believing that there are things at every level that not only do I not know that I don't know but also that I wouldn't be able to find out gives me the faith to just send it when it looks good to me and I know I've done what I believe to be my due diligence

>> No.1331  
File: 1686511685162.png -(94975 B, 800x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As long as I don't trust the science I'll be fine.

>> No.1332  

If you don't trust the science, what do you trust?

>> No.1333  
File: 1686573034789.png -(13826 B, 344x135) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No, I know what I know is always false, so there is nothing to be scared of.

>> No.1334  
File: 1686638846390.jpg -(92051 B, 850x638) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

my cat

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