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File: 1688835109821.png -(1090395 B, 1310x815) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1090395 No.1487  

fun things are fun
https://civitai.com has all the fun goodmods to improve the ai generated art
You can get LoRAs to make specific characters or outfits and textual inversions like easynegative to save time coming up with negative prompts.
Make sure to grab a VAE appropriate for you model if you don't want to deal with purple splotches or washed out colors when making highres images.
In the past year since it we got it the tech has become much more usable and consistent in providing good results.

post tips, tricks, and what you're working on here

>> No.1491  
File: 1688848460861.png -(976617 B, 768x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't trust online generators and I don't have the hardware to run it locally. I'll probably check it out in a couple years.

(image not mine, obviously)

>> No.1494  

my rtx 3070 can handle it but my dick cannot

>> No.1495  

Sometimes sacrifices need to be made, anon.

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