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File: 1687371890960.png -(586589 B, 1000x1368) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
586589 No.1376  

Brain empty

>> No.1377  

The internet is dying.

>> No.1382  

ah blos

>> No.1384  

Windows 10 is such a shit operating system.

>> No.1388  

Sounds like you haven't used Win11 yet.

>> No.1393  

I haven't and I'm thinking I'm going to stop using 10 after having just started using it.

>> No.1394  

You should give Linux Mint a try. You can run it from a USB stick without installing to try it, though obviously your settings/installed software/etc won't be saved.

>> No.1395  

I already use Linux (EndeavourOS) as my main device. I just needed to use windows for a specific task and Win10 was performing significantly worse than Win7 for no apparent reason other than Win10 being a massive downgrade in every way.

>> No.1396  

I wish I could post anonymously without feds and various companies tracking everything I say and do. Instead, everything just keeps getting more and more locked down by the day.

>> No.1400  

konami hosed me again

>> No.1403  


>> No.1406  

This is fine.

>> No.1410  

i lost money on their gacha

>> No.1411  

You lost the money the moment you decided to spin the gacha. You just didn't get the fake reward you wanted.

>> No.1412  

but I pulled a $90 fenrir two weeks in a row from my tournament entry pack

>> No.1413  

$90 according to who? Can you sell it back to Konami and receive $90 in cash?

>> No.1423  

my dad works there so yes

>> No.1517  
File: 1689381867581.png -(279252 B, 421x430) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1518  
File: 1689388161082.png -(2411048 B, 2000x1500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

just rember ur never gonna get a 1cc fuck you

>> No.1519  

There are so many manga about having sex with a loli, but there are barely any about having a relationship with a loli.

>> No.1647  

Force feeding anime girls hundreds of cakes until they love my.

>> No.1648  

Love your what, anon?

>> No.1649  

It was a typo. I meant me, but the implication works also.

>> No.1661  
File: 1691982096261.jpg -(268724 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Finally got the news about the new Atelier. Looks like Atelier Lulua really was the series' swan song.

>> No.1662  

warmly waiting for ryza trilogy to be put on a switch cart

>> No.1699  

soft thighs

>> No.1700  

gyate is reclining

>> No.1701  
File: 1692998186179.png -(68305 B, 800x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1703  
File: 1693018522080.png -(23396 B, 800x646) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1729  
File: 1693552679068.jpg -(186667 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why must things break?

>> No.1802  
File: 1694658752051.gif -(1349367 B, 320x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Are you ready for global economic collapse?

>> No.1803  


>> No.1810  

Anzu facesitting is a greater force than global collapse

>> No.1844  

Everything is a psyop. Nothing can be trusted anymore.

>> No.1845  
File: 1695114528135.png -(924705 B, 1080x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1852  

Telling catgirls "You are now moving your tail manually" to make them self-conscious of their tail movements.

>> No.1886  
File: 1695836472727.jpg -(686327 B, 3507x2480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thinking about the children.

>> No.2034  

All this talk about Australia reminds me, I often think about the viability of selectively breading kangaroos for intelligence and opposable thumbs to use as slave labor. Laws about slavery wouldn't effect them because they're kangaroos. Sure they will probably overthrow humanity, but that's a future generations problem.

>> No.2056  

One day /bun/ will be shut down by authorities and we'll all be placed on a watchlist for 'being part of a pedophile network'.

>> No.2058  

Where to gather if this happens? Making the nen a nenbun?

>> No.2060  

there's always irc sigh

>> No.2062  

Two years later, Rizon was deemed a pedophile network for not cooperating with authorities, and was shut down shortly after.

>> No.2063  
File: 1698477380252.png -(459438 B, 652x994) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Bold to assume we aren't already on a watchlist for 'being part of a pedophile network'. Especially given old /bun/ was flooded with actually illegal content that was likely posted by feds.

>> No.2096  

I don't dare to speak my mind freely on the internet anymore because the feds are watching everywhere. Even on here, once the feds seize the servers all the wrongthink we've posted can be traced back to us. And with a place like this there's also the risk that taking the discussion in the wrong directions could result in the site being shut down. I hate how dystopian society has become.

>> No.2099  
File: 1698744558413.jpg -(743472 B, 1272x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's literally always been like that, even in the 80s
Stop being a fag and post loli if you want to

>> No.2100  
File: 1698753773946.jpg -(87967 B, 700x525) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They've been wanting to do mass surveillance since at least the 60s, but internet mass surveillance didn't properly get going until the early 2010s. Now we have Google and Cloudflare fingerprinting you everywhere to make sure everything can be traced back to you, and the law and its enforcement is now a lot more hostile to pedophilia-adjacent matters including loli. This wasn't always the case. Fifteen years ago I could just go, haha yeah I fap to loli. Now it could get you fired and depending on the country even arrested. Things really have changed.

>> No.2101  
File: 1698754546577.jpg -(175391 B, 1448x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A long time ago on old /bun/ there used to be a survey thread. One of the questions was 'are you a pedophile?', and people actually answered it honestly. I can't imagine anyone answering that honestly in 2023. Anything even coming close to that question is met with 'are you a fed?'.

>> No.2103  
File: 1698758558355.jpg -(616434 B, 1200x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>internet mass surveillance didn't properly get going until the early 2010s

Carnivore was 1997 and it was far from the first of it's kind. Internet surveillance is the same or less severe (due to incompetence and the nature of the medium) than it was in 1988, 2-3 years before cybercrime was literally invented as a legal concept.
Theoretical surveillance has always precluded any kind of perfect privacy ('worst case scenario' for sufficiently driven feds is that anyone in your mixnet is a collaborator and they just arrest the lot), and in practice nobody has ever been caught based on dragnet surveillance. It's a tool used to generate incriminating material at will, a political tool used for internal government power struggles or to justify fucking with a person it was already decided to fuck with.

>I can't imagine anyone answering that honestly in 2023.

That's because you're retarded. Literally 100% of people that would answer that honestly on that day would answer that honestly on this day, because nothing has changed.

>Anything even coming close to that question is met with 'are you a fed?'.

Data mining threads have always been shit and have always been shit for the reasons that they are shit today. It isn't a useful avenue of discussion to make statements about personal identity. There isn't anything interesting in 3dpd biography. Anyone posting survey threads is a huge faggot. Pick a topic and let conversation build up from that.

>Anything even coming close to that question is met with 'are you a fed?'.

Back in pre2000-c2012 it was socially acceptable in academia to anonymously survey subcultural communities, with or without full disclosure of your identity, that you were conducting a study, etc. Between mores in the academy shifting away from earnest surveys of actual minorities and hordes of uppity self-loathing faggots (uppity self loathers? how the fuck would you phrase this tersely?) swarming in to now-demystified niche sites trying to act cool, the number of serious attempts to collect the biograpghies of imageboard goers and the number of people willing to answer for posterity (out of embarassment, not fear for their security) sharply dwindled as a portion of all content and it got pushed out of culture. If you go to any of the millions of hima-like irc spinoffs where subhumans circlejerk on 'not'-social-media (like old bun, lel) you'll see people unprompted admit to anything and everything. Hell, if you go to a public gym you'll routinely hear people bragging about molesting their kids, only they lack the self reflection to consider that that's what they're saying. Anyway, since you requested
I am a pedophile and a terrorist. We claim responsibility for the april 15 boston bombing, the attack on the Al-Omar military base, and the 2001 striking of the pentagon with a cruise missile. Somebody stop me.

>Are you a pedophile

If you had asked this years ago I'd have said yes, but I think that that's wrong. Lolis specifically are convergent towards good design, but 3dpd children are in many ways the antithesis of that. Pubscent features on a woman are certainly disgusting, but the fat faced child is hardly better and in many ways worse. Realistically, the only 3dpd who retain any kind of claim to an attempt at cultivating their beauty are the anorexics who suppress menarche etc. through harsh ascetism and have an actual lean, tight look.
I'm certainly a nijikon either way and in the west the term lolicon isn't really synonymous with pedophile.

>> No.2106  
File: 1698776578029.jpg -(203210 B, 650x750) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Maybe it's just a local thing, but I'm definitely noticing a change where I live. I just read on the news someone is getting prosecuted over posting antisemitic messages on a WhatsApp group. I'm no fan of antisemitism (or WhatsApp), but people getting prosecuted over saying the wrong things on the internet used to be unheard of. Even if the charges don't stick the guy is definitely getting fired over voicing wrongthink in a private group (which the prosecution is arguing isn't private because he doesn't personally know the others in the group).

>> No.2107  
File: 1698778012009.png -(3346175 B, 1600x2225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cellulite tier post. It doesn't happen more often, you hear about it more. The fact that you hear about it more relates to the fact that you, specifically, get your news secondhand from someone who read something on facebook.

>people getting prosecuted over saying the wrong things on the internet used to be unheard of

That is bullshit of the highest order. People have been persecuted for things that they published since before there was moveable type. You can look at the history of basically any nation and see a rich tapestry of censorship and the detention or even execution of people who voiced idle thoughts in print. This in no way stopped as publishing became easier, it just became a smaller proportion of people being actually physically detained etc. And indeed, it has. It continues to be.

>Even if the charges don't stick the guy is definitely getting fired over voicing wrongthink in a private group

Waah waah my private group. Fuck you. You can rightfully complain that giving a shit what people think or say (or do) is gay and retarded, but being mad specifically and only because someone's cocksmear group of retards and snitches snitched on the retard who couldn't show the barest decency of even pretending to hide his identity is really fucking pathetic.

>people getting prosecuted over saying the wrong things on the internet used to be unheard of

Have neither you nor anyone you've ever spoken to bought drugs even once in your life? People have been prosecuted for saying wrong things on the phone (which's the internet) so frequently and so thoroughly that every fucking housewife in a suburb knows to censor their speech on recorded communications, and, once again, has since before there were fucking phones. People use euphemisms and pseudonyms when writing letters. You have always been accountable to drawing the attention of people to the shit that you're doing. Anonymity is your responsibility. Stop being a fucking retard and do your part.
A child was raped for the commission of this post.

>> No.2108  
File: 1698778348494.png -(1435834 B, 1525x1110) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You have always been accountable to drawing the attention of people to the shit that you're doing.

You have always been acountable to the attention you draw to the shit that you're doing

>> No.2109  
File: 1698781834526.jpg -(693432 B, 1800x1800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>The fact that you hear about it more relates to the fact that you, specifically, get your news secondhand from someone who read something on facebook.

I read about it on a major national news site. This shit is genuinely rare here (but becoming increasingly more common at a rapid pace) and considering private groups 'public' if you don't know the people in the group is literally unprecedented (as in, this would set a legal precedent if it flies, no prosecutor has attempted to argue this before).

>You can look at the history of basically any nation

If you look back far enough, sure. But this kind of shit hasn't happened here to any significant degree since the 80s at least.

>Have neither you nor anyone you've ever spoken to bought drugs even once in your life? People have been prosecuted for saying wrong things on the phone (which's the internet) so frequently and so thoroughly that every fucking housewife in a suburb knows to censor their speech on recorded communications, and, once again, has since before there were fucking phones.

Is this a USA thing? Unless you're a major drug dealer (or smuggling shit across the border) the police here doesn't really care about drugs. They're definitely not wasting their time wiretapping buyers, at the very least. (Not to mention this is about intent to commit a crime, not about having wrong views.)

>Anonymity is your responsibility.

It's easy to say that when more and more of our communications get monitored, and sites and services increasingly require identifiable information (fingerprinting, phone number (which you can't get anonymously here), etc). Even the web browsers themselves are compromised; everything is either Chromium-based (Google) or Firefox-based (Mozilla, which gets 90% of its income from Google) and Google, controlling the web standards, pushes increasingly invasive shit.

I get that it's easy to avoid being the low-hanging fruit so the authorities harass someone else instead, but it feels like it's becoming completely impossible to avoid getting fucked over if you do get on some powerful entity's bad side (person or corporation) with entirely legitimate activities (e.g. reporting on misdoings, competing commercially or otherwise undermining business, activism, etc).

>> No.2114  

thats a lot of words for a short thought

>> No.2119  

It's a lot of short thoughts.

>> No.2123  
File: 1698822148003.jpg -(229293 B, 795x1300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>I read about it on a major national news site.

Yes? What the fuck did you think I said? It is being reported more. It is being represented more in the mainstream. It isn't happening more. It is happening less (by proportion).

>This shit is genuinely rare here (but becoming increasingly more common at a rapid pace)

Wrong on both counts. It either is and continues to be (increasingly) rare, or it is frequent and grows rarer (by proportion). The distinction lies only in what you choose to call 'rare' or 'frequent'.
Prosecuting people for things said in private is a daily occurrence. You hearing about it more has no bearing on that fact. People are murdered less than they were when it was less reported too.

>If you look back far enough, sure. But this kind of shit hasn't happened here to any significant degree since the 80s at least.

There were people being fired for posts on mailing lists in the 80s. The phones were tapped before they were even connected to dialup. "This sort of thing" has been happening as soon as it was possible to happen (i.e. the 80s) since it's just adapting the existing system to electronic communications. I fucking assure you the academy was censored in the 60s too, you just didn't have a printer and a broadcast transmitter in your own home so you didn't see it.

>Is this a USA thing? Unless you're a major drug dealer (or smuggling shit across the border) the police here doesn't really care about drugs.

God you're such a dumb little bootlicking faggot it's unreal. No, this isn't a US thing. It's literally global and covers every kind of excuse for pigs to fuck with no. Why are you so desperately trying to fish for people's identities if you're going to try to say retarded shit like

>They're definitely not wasting their time wiretapping buyers, at the very least. (Not to mention this is about intent to commit a crime, not about having wrong views.)

Publishing wrong views is a crime.
They are literally wiretapping buyers. That's what dragnet surveillance is about. They have the excuse to fuck with whoever they want, whenever they want. This has always been the case. Why are you complaining about dragnet surveillance (which has existed in present form since before there was an internet) and then turning around and pretending that incidental evidence isn't being used in the commission of arrests?
There's no relationship between committing a crime, intending to commit a crime, or otherwise criminal activity, and your harassment by the authorities. Evidence is something used rhetorically, to create the desired effect. The desire for the effect (to fuck with you) is unrelated.

>It's easy to say that when more and more of our communications get monitored, and sites and services increasingly require identifiable information (fingerprinting, phone number (which you can't get anonymously here), etc). \

It is easy to say that, yes, and it's also true.
100% of my communication has been monitored at all times. That never changed and it never will. It's not communication if nobody sees it, and people act on what they see.
Sites and services really don't require identifiable information any more than they ever did. You need an identity to use a bank. If you want to use a gaynigger circlejerk connected to your phone number like rizon or discord, you need a phone number. You can get a phone number anonymously were you live, right now, today, exactly as easily as anyone anywhere else in the world and much easier than most; like everyone else, you can flash some ecash to get a number you bought and paid for for to use for messages. Exactly the same as everyone else, just as safely and just as easily. Browser fingerprinting predates fucking browsers and sessions have always been recorded when accessing servers.
At a certain point you'll have to accept that using your employer-given email and physical phoneline to make a logged call to a server which contemporaneous LEAs did refer to was less 'secure' than using a logged wired connection to establish an encrypted tunnel to a server outside the easy reach of local LEA to establish an encypted tunnel to etc. in the sense that it's less convenient (and less common) for officers to be sent into a snorting rage by the later.

>Even the web browsers themselves are compromised; everything is either Chromium-based (Google) or Firefox-based (Mozilla, which gets 90% of its income from Google) and Google, controlling the web standards, pushes increasingly invasive shit.

Google pushes nothing (successfully/universally). You in no way need to use modern html5, and in pushing this standard that sees no adoption they in no way push invasive shit anyway since the tools to create invasive shit with these protocols are literally no different than any other time you've been asked to run unveted (but opensource here) applications locally to access certain sites. We used to have fucking flash which exposed basically your entire memory and arbitrary read/write permissions to the entire fucking internet with known exploits and it was still the status quo of the time (the yanks, the euros and the asians even deployed attacks through it and iirc a bunch of the pedo entrapments were from flash 'videos' sent over e.g. facebook). Sandboxing is a thousand times easier than it was in the past, in no small part due to the fact that a laptop is worth less than a day's wages for even the most entrammeled laborer in a developed country.
The fact that you think that the provenance of some software and not the software itself has any sort of relationship to the function of the software itself is truly pathetic. It doesn't fucking matter what flavor of boot was worn in it's creation, nor are you in any way required to use this software. The answer to "but discord doesn't work without muh chromeshit" is to not use discord. I know that's a bitter pill to swallow for a faggot such as yourself, but that's the way it is.

>it feels like it's becoming completely impossible to avoid getting fucked over if you do get on some powerful entity's bad side (person or corporation) with entirely legitimate activities (e.g. reporting on misdoings, competing commercially or otherwise undermining business, activism, etc).

It FEELS that way because you're a fucking retard who had to be told this by mainstream media in the year of our lord 2024. Powerful entities can fuck with you if they want to. That's what it means to be powerful. You are responsible for your own safety, if you want to act against someone's interests and they have the ability to fuck with you you have to stay out of their notice if you want to avoid it. They used to kill people for spreading rhetoric that was likely to damage e.g. their business (they still do, if they are the government or, say, nestlé). Welcome to the state of being.
If it was topical it wouldn't be saged.

>> No.2124  


>> No.2125  

I'm steppin' on a fish

>> No.2131  

Okay, now I know you're just full of shit. For the most obvious parts:

>If you want to use a gaynigger circlejerk connected to your phone number like rizon or discord

Rizon, being old internet, obviously doesn't require a phone number or any other identifying information. Not sure if Rizon accepts Tor connections (I know some servers do) but your IP is the only info they have on you.

>Google pushes nothing (successfully/universally).

Chromium-based browsers have a well over 70% desktop market share; if they push something hard enough others will implement it. Or are you saying you use a >1% market share browser without WebP/WebM support (typically via Google's own library, which coincidentally had a remote code execution exploit found recently)? Simultaneously ReCAPTCHA is becoming increasingly required everywhere. I KNOW this because I have to manually whitelist it every time and I notice it spreading to sites that never had it before. (On the other hand, when did you ever need to enable Flash to donate to a non-profit?)

>Browser fingerprinting predates fucking browsers and sessions have always been recorded when accessing servers.

Indeed, but now when you're not fingerprintable enough Cloudflare simply denies you access to the website. That's a massive difference from how things used to be. You used to be able to protect yourself against this; now you are required to expose yourself to be able to access things you could previously access anonymously. On that same note,

>nor are you in any way required to use this software. The answer to "but discord doesn't work without muh chromeshit" is to not use discord. I know that's a bitter pill to swallow for a faggot such as yourself, but that's the way it is.

Discourse is moving to places you cannot access or participate in without personally identifying yourself. How is that not a change eroding our privacy? Sure, technically IRC still works, but if everybody left IRC you have no choice: either you abandon your privacy and remain able to communicate, or you accept being silenced. Similarly communication elsewhere is being centralized by huge corporations working directly with governments against your interests. This is not how it has always been.

Now, for the local stuff: I live in The Netherlands, which used to be a very free and tolerant country twenty years ago, but it's been declining at a very rapid pace.

>Why are you complaining about dragnet surveillance (which has existed in present form since before there was an internet) and then turning around and pretending that incidental evidence isn't being used in the commission of arrests?

Untargeted dragnet surveillance used to be illegal here until last month. Any evidence obtained in an untargeted way used to be non-admissible in court. This has gradually eroded over the past few years (e.g. allowing evidence incidentally uncovered through overly broad targeted surveillance in another case) but now the law is changing to just completely allow it.

>No, this isn't a US thing.

It's definitely not a thing in The Netherlands. Legalizing hard drugs has legitimately been on the table (though never managed to pass). Cops won't look the other way if you shove it in their face, but they're not actively chasing leads on drug possession. The police is understaffed and nobody cares about drugs except when linked to organized crime or international matters. Phone tapping requires a warrant and is used for shit like murder cases. We have a very solid justice system that adequately restricts the powers of police and politicians, except that's entirely collapsing in the digital sphere (which is also gradually having an effect 'offline').

>Publishing wrong views is a crime.

The Americans are very proud of their 'first amendment', a later addition to their constitution guaranteeing freedom from being prosecuted by the government, with some restrictions. The Dutch Constitution has in its very first chapter, as the most fundamental aspect, the rights to equal treatment, freedom of views, freedom of speech and protection against censorship, freedom of association, right to privacy, protection from government monitoring of communications without explicit permission from a judge, and protection from being prosecuted for anything not already explicitly forbidden by law. (And this does not protect from just the government; the rights mentioned cannot be infringed by other people or organizations either.) Publishing wrong views hasn't ever been a crime in the modern history of The Netherlands, and our modern history is full of wrong views being expressed and shocking the rest of the world. This has rapidly declined especially over the past ten years, and now we instead get bullshit scandals (with people actually getting fired, rather than just some debate) over people saying unacceptable things in public.

>They have the excuse to fuck with whoever they want, whenever they want. This has always been the case.

We didn't even have our own wrongthink authority (NCTV, initially made to 'protect against terrorism' (which never happens here) and a few years ago formally changed to 'combating extremism') until 2012. Law enforcement here has always been (and still is for the most part) powerless against law-abiding citizens, but their power is rapidly increasing and laws are becoming increasingly vague and broad.

>You can get a phone number anonymously were you live, right now, today, exactly as easily as anyone anywhere else in the world and much easier than most; like everyone else, you can flash some ecash to get a number you bought and paid for for to use for messages.

Simply not true. Apparently in some countries you can just get a SIM card at a local store and pay by cash, but in The Netherlands you need to completely sign up with your name and address (not sure if ID is also required nowadays, wouldn't be surprised). I also tried to purchase Monero (the only crypto not easily traceable back to you) recently, but it's heavily regulated here and I didn't manage to get any. You'll probably counter with 'but gift cards', but our government insists all cash flows must be traceable, so they recently introduced laws to prevent anonymous gift card purchases as well in a clear example of increasing surveillance.

>They used to kill people for spreading rhetoric that was likely to damage e.g. their business (they still do, if they are the government or, say, nestlé).

I know law enforcement is horrible in many other countries nowadays (apparently the USA has a <50% murder case solve rate now), but murder is rare and very seriously investigated when it happens here, and our law enforcement is fortunately still properly separated from our politics. >95% of murder cases are solved, and if the government or a corporation murders someone in The Netherlands they'll definitely at least feel some heat. Single murders get reported on the national news here (we only have about 1 murder per 3 days).

Maybe I've just been spoiled, always having lived in a country that hasn't yet gone down the drain. But that just makes it more depressing to see it gradually collapse.

>> No.2137  

this is my easy place

>> No.2142  
File: 1698932080094.jpg -(160928 B, 709x848) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Rizon, being old internet, obviously doesn't require a phone number or any other identifying information.

I knew from the start that you were larping but I didn't realize I was talking to a literal child.
Rizon, being 'old internet' (rizon is zoomershit by irc standards, incidentally), was something you connected to over your fucking phoneline. You used your phone (your landline, I guess that's before your time too) to connect. They had your phone number from your IP. This isn't rocket science, it's literally how 'cybercrime' was tracked and prosecuted before there was even such a legal concept.

>your IP is the only info they have on you.

You don't even fucking know how IRC works. Unreal. When you connect it prints your username, hostname and ip (to all users by default, to all ops otherwise) beyond all the logging that the server itself does for the connection (which only the actual server would see, lack of security and collaboration notwithstanding).
If you had any idea what you were talking about and said something like 'you can easily spoof everything they ask from you' then yes, you could, and you can, and it's the same everywhere else.

>Not sure if Rizon accepts Tor connections (I know some servers do) but your IP is the only info they have on you.

Rizon has since at least since 2018 required an email address from a whitelisted provider (which today all require phone numbers, and e.g. most commercial emails aren't valid) or they won't allow you to connect to channels etc.
Proxyblacklists predate rizon and were used on rizon from the start but they're usually pretty inefficacious, I think that rizon bypasses the blacklist for registered nicks i.e. if they have your identity otherwise. It's funny to talk about rizon because people stopped using it nearly as heavily for precisely these reasons (requiring ids and logging user information). The owner did time decades ago (and got a reduced sentence) so it's probably that he has been collaborating with US spooks (who share info with foreign enforcement).

>Or are you saying you use a >1% market share browser without WebP/WebM support (typically via Google's own library, which coincidentally had a remote code execution exploit found recently)?

Why the fuck would I be running media in my browser?
Video players are notoriously vulnerable but we had pdf viruses that ran in browser. And of course, flash.

>Simultaneously ReCAPTCHA is becoming increasingly required everywhere. I KNOW this because I have to manually whitelist it every time

It isn't required anywhere. You can not use those sites. There are zero legitimate sites that use recaptcha (except google itself I guess). Every site that you would ever actually use either rolls it's own or uses old implementations that you could probably OCR out of the box.

>On the other hand, when did you ever need to enable Flash to donate to a non-profit?

Didn't this literally happen and cause some hubbub because it was after apple had dropped flash support?
Payment processors are literally more diverse today than they were 10 years ago because there has been time for alternative to develop and people hate paypal. And of course, debit/credit cards are more widespread and more widely accepted and there are even cleartext payment processors in use although they're much less common than the in-frame ones.

>Indeed, but now when you're not fingerprintable enough Cloudflare simply denies you access to the website. That's a massive difference from how things used to be.

That's exactly the same as how things used to be. You were required to make an account, because the point of the site was to get your email address (and associated details) and show you ads. Sites which just serve content still just serve content, and don't use cloudflare et al. Do you mean instead that you, specifically, are now on the wrong side of the basic awareness of technology and alt media portals (which, the same as it ever was, is just communally using someone else's account as a proxy)?

>Discourse is moving to places you cannot access or participate in without personally identifying yourself. How is that not a change eroding our privacy?

It's not. Exactly the same as it ever was, actual discourse occurs in public spaces (anonymously) and circlejerking occurs in private spaces (with identities). Things which are said in places which can be seen by everyone are seen more than things which are said in places which aren't visible. Are you going to turn around and say that your posts connected to an account that you paid money for online weren't connected to your personal identity, but your posts here now are?

>Sure, technically IRC still works, but if everybody left IRC you have no choice: either you abandon your privacy and remain able to communicate, or you accept being silenced.

I don't know why you think IRC is some kind of gold standard for private communication.
No. You're completely wrong. You're in no way silenced by publishing content, you can host your own website the same today as you could then, and people can and will see it, bots will scrape it and repost it for you even. You can get other people to host your site (including your webchat) for you the same as you ever could, and they're gayniggers who log your shit the same as they ever were. It's unreal that you think that using an account to connect to someone else's site to post under defacto your real name is more private than posting here with your browser fingerprint and IP.

>> No.2143  
>Similarly communication elsewhere is being centralized by huge corporations working directly with governments against your interests. This is not how it has always been.

That is exactly how it's always been. Microsoft published a IRC protocol. Like always, it's an attempt to capture a significant portion of the market share, it doesn't in any way impact users who aren't trying to opt in to these networks.
I guess it's slightly different because the government used to run roughshod over companies and only MS/Google were really fulltime collaborators, but it's basically the same. That's just a product of the increase in wealth (more companies are supermassive and act as arms of the government than historical standards for free countries).

>Untargeted dragnet surveillance used to be illegal here until last month

And? That in no way changes the fact that it was occurring. It still isn't used for anything - today.

>Any evidence obtained in an untargeted way used to be non-admissible in court. This has gradually eroded over the past few years (e.g. allowing evidence incidentally uncovered through overly broad targeted surveillance in another case) but now the law is changing to just completely allow it.

The fact that it was allowed in a case meant that it was already allowed. More importantly, the fact that it was being considered as possibly valid as evidence meant that the LEAs were acting on it regardless of it's validity as legal evidence already. That is exactly my point. The court cases don't and never did really matter.

>It's definitely not a thing in The Netherlands.

No, it's a thing everywhere. People don't admit to crimes on official communications.

>Phone tapping requires a warrant and is used for shit like murder cases.

Ah yes, because something being illegal means that it never happens, especially in the face of it flagrantly happening.

>We have a very solid justice system that adequately restricts the powers of police and politicians


>And this does not protect from just the government; the rights mentioned cannot be infringed by other people or organizations either

It doesn't protect from either, because they can do whatever the fuck they want. I don't understand how this is not getting through to you. Am I unable to stab you because it is illegal? It's impractical for me to stab you, it would be difficult for me to achieve, and it generally isn't worth my time. These factors become diminished as an actor's power grows.

>Publishing wrong views hasn't ever been a crime in the modern history of The Netherlands, and our modern history is full of wrong views being expressed and shocking the rest of the world.

It has been a crime in the history of the netherlands since before it was a country and news stories of the catastrophically restrictive regim under the EU coming out since before the internet even existed. Come the fuck on dude.

>Law enforcement here has always been (and still is for the most part) powerless against law-abiding citizens


>Simply not true

Simply true. That's exactly how it is basically everywhere else.

>in The Netherlands you need to completely sign up with your name and address (not sure if ID is also required nowadays, wouldn't be surprised)

You can also just pay 20c in whatever currency you want to any service that provides numbers to purchase to receive text, or use the public services that don't charge (but are mostly blacklisted).

>I also tried to purchase Monero (the only crypto not easily traceable back to you)

You're so dumb it's unreal. You're going to put money into a terrorist black hole and think it'd pass without comment just because someone told you it will, but you can't even imagine a single legitimate way to get paid that some blackmarket cash. Nigger fucking mine monero on a server farm.

>but our government insists all cash flows must be traceable

Yes. That's how it is everywhere, that's how it is where you are, that's always been how it is. It was like that in 1086, they just haven't had the infrastructure to effectively enforce it. Legally recorded funds have always been useless for illegal activities. You're not supposed to tell people when you get paid under the table. Yes, cash has always been hard to shift around. It's always been like that. Bags of cash literally rot in the ground because people have trouble moving currency between markets.

>I know law enforcement is horrible in many other countries nowadays (apparently the USA has a <50% murder case solve rate now), but murder is rare and very seriously investigated when it happens here, and our law enforcement is fortunately still properly separated from our politics.

>>95% of murder cases are solved, and if the government or a corporation murders someone in The Netherlands they'll definitely at least feel some heat.

>Maybe I've just been spoiled, always having lived in a country that hasn't yet gone down the drain. But that just makes it more depressing to see it gradually collapse.

You've just been larping, pretending to be nostalgic for a past you never experience and know nothing about. You've been 'spoilt' in the sense that you haven't been called out on it heretofore.

>> No.2144  
File: 1698935429170.png -(13036 B, 516x76) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>You don't even fucking know how IRC works.

I've literally coded IRC clients (bots) with manual TCP communication (not some pre-built library). I've looked at the spec. I host my own IRC server. I know how it works. The only thing implicitly sent is your IP; the rest is what you explicitly specify (and every IRC client allows you to customize those values).

>Rizon has since at least since 2018 required an email address from a whitelisted provider (which today all require phone numbers, and e.g. most commercial emails aren't valid) or they won't allow you to connect to channels etc.

You're full of shit, you can connect and join channels just fine, you can try it right now.

>You used your phone (your landline, I guess that's before your time too) to connect. They had your phone number from your IP.

Rizon was founded in 2002. Cable internet has been available (at least in The Netherlands) since the late 90s. You're right that I never had landline, which was the only option for all of a couple years when internet first became available here before nearly everyone switched to cable. (I've had internet since the late 90s.)

>You can not use those sites. There are zero legitimate sites that use recaptcha (except google itself I guess).

I guess I could just not order anything online, or use any other paid service. It's spreading fucking everywhere.

>Didn't this literally happen and cause some hubbub because it was after apple had dropped flash support?

Source? Because I've never heard of this.

>You were required to make an account, because the point of the site was to get your email address (and associated details) and show you ads.

Did you really experience the old internet? Account registrations without an e-mail address (or allowing any fake e-mail address) were common, and ads weren't personalized until the late 2000s.

>Sites which just serve content still just serve content, and don't use cloudflare et al.

I'm literally denied access to news sites and research papers with JavaScript disabled.

>I don't know why you think IRC is some kind of gold standard for private communication.
>It's funny to talk about rizon because people stopped using it nearly as heavily for precisely these reasons (requiring ids and logging user information).

I brought up IRC because you mentioned Discord. IRC didn't die because of any dissatisfaction with servers (when that happens you just get a server split, it recently still happened with FreeNode moving to Libera), most IRC activity just moved to Discord. Hell, the only recent active anime-related IRC channels I've seen were only active because they had a bridge bot connecting the IRC channel to a Discord server (and nearly everyone was on the Discord side).

>You're in no way silenced by publishing content, you can host your own website the same today as you could then, and people can and will see it, bots will scrape it and repost it for you even.

Bullshit. Search for 'bunbunmaru' or 'bunbunmaru imageboard' on any popular search engine. At best you'll find old lists of imageboards linking to old /bun/ (if even that). You can't find new-/bun/ anymore, and if there were any bots we'd be getting CP spam as before. Search engines are increasingly getting crippled, and this is by design.

>That's just a product of the increase in wealth (more companies are supermassive and act as arms of the government than historical standards for free countries).

That's what I'm saying. Things are noticeably getting worse.

>[repeated baseless assertions]

Provide sources or shut up. I grew up in The Netherlands. You can't claim to know better what it used to be like here without proper evidence to back up your assertions.

>that's always been how it is

No, there's been a strong push for this relatively recently (I think since the 2008 financial crisis). A lot of laws have been passed in the last 15 years to restrict ways to anonymously exchange money.

>You're not supposed to tell people when you get paid under the table.

This is about sending money. The government has a legitimate reason to know what money is being received (for tax purposes). They have no business knowing what I spend it on.

>> No.2145  
File: 1698941346311.png -(40171 B, 826x643) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>I've literally coded IRC clients (bots) with manual TCP communication (not some pre-built library). I've looked at the spec. I host my own IRC server. I know how it works.

Apparently not lol. The fact that you think that the only thing that rizon logs is your IP is fucking insane.
If you've totally failed to follow the conversation and you're trying to say that you can host your own servers and not collect metadata, yes, that is exactly my point. Doing so is at worst exactly the same as it was ten, twenty years ago.

>You're full of shit, you can connect and join channels just fine, you can try it right now.

You literally can't. Go ahead and try it yourself, retard.

>I guess I could just not order anything online, or use any other paid service.

Maybe 20% of ecommerce merchants (who are all small outfits) use recaptcha. Everyone large rolls their own and most legitimate businesses use third party services. There are payment processors who you already should not be using who use recaptcha, but if your only option on a site is to use that payment processor you already have plenty good reasons to avoid doing that business.

>Account registrations without an e-mail address (or allowing any fake e-mail address) were common, and ads weren't personalized until the late 2000s.

Do you mean, exactly the same as it is now? Yes, you can trivially give false information. I do so almost every day. I'll make an account to access something that needs an account with a fake email account and it'll work. Some places actually send an email, so I'll use a temporary email address and lo and behold, it's just the same as it was in 2014. Before that it was impractical to actually implement 2FA, so they didn't actually send the emails (though they were already whitelisting email providers, with comical results in some cases) but it's spiritually the same and in practice essentially identical.

>ads weren't personalized until the late 2000s

Okay? How is this relevant?

>I'm literally denied access to news sites and research papers with JavaScript disabled.

You literally are not. News sites overwhelmingly work without javascript (a small minority don't, but are mirrored on sites which do) and research papers have never been available (legally) without authorization. Pirating research papers is much easier now than it was back in the day. The early 2010s was the literal turning point in major reuploaders like scihub and libgen; if I wanted to read a paper in 08 I'd probably have had to use my own (or someone else's) ID to access my organization's copy of the journal or essentially find someone else who was doing the same thing on my behalf. We have a cultural institution of uploading papers (usually the researcher themself if they want their paper to actually be read) to peer to peer networks now. It's resisted legal action in a way that the old static download sites didn't and has resisted the entropy of people no longer seeding shit in a way that the old bespoke uploads didn't.
You haven't even looked for a paper in your life if you believe this. >99% of pages that ask for cloudflare only offer the abstract and a link to buy.

>I brought up IRC because you mentioned Discord. IRC didn't die because of any dissatisfaction with servers (when that happens you just get a server split, it recently still happened with FreeNode moving to Libera), most IRC activity just moved to Discord.

Ah yes, discord the first messaging client of the 21st century. No, no activity moved to discord that hadn't already moved to private channels.

>Bullshit. Search for 'bunbunmaru' or 'bunbunmaru imageboard' on any popular search engine. At best you'll find old lists of imageboards linking to old /bun/ (if even that). You can't find new-/bun/ anymore, and if there were any bots we'd be getting CP spam as before. Search engines are increasingly getting crippled, and this is by design.

wew lad
This is a censored search engine that's shilled by e.g. tor project too (pic rel is default tbb). It's literally the default option that you would be herded to and try first if you had no prior knowledge.

>That's what I'm saying. Things are noticeably getting worse.

No. You are going where things are worse. The non-supermainstream is still there and still growing. You're walking out into the walled garden and stamping your feet because the fucking apple store doesn't match your expectations of a past you never experienced and only heard about secondhand (from people who were likewise larping).

>Provide sources or shut up. I grew up in The Netherlands. You can't claim to know better what it used to be like here without proper evidence to back up your assertions.

Sources for what, faggot? I'm not the one making the claim that it's physically impossible for you to get roughed up by a pig just because you think it's illegal, or that the EU isn't a fucking joke and/or nightmare when it comes to it's financial and media regulations, or that you literally cannot receive monero into your wallet because "it's illegal". Fucking unreal.
I am equally qualified to make statements about the netherlands, I literally can claim to know better what it used to be like there and I am and I'm right.

>No, there's been a strong push for this relatively recently (I think since the 2008 financial crisis). A lot of laws have been passed in the last 15 years to restrict ways to anonymously exchange money.

That push has been occurring throughout all of history. The invention of new ways to anonymous exchange money attracted specific regulations related to those methods, yes. There's been an explosion of ecommerce since the end of the dotcom crash so ecommerce has been specifically targeted.

>The government has a legitimate reason to know what money is being received

They don't.

>The government has a legitimate reason to know what money is being received (for tax purposes). They have no business knowing what I spend it on.

Are you retarded? They literally can not know one without the other.

>> No.2146  
File: 1698947662447.png -(39255 B, 192x192) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>You literally can't. Go ahead and try it yourself, retard.

I did before posting just to make sure, and I was able to join a channel just fine. (I'm not even sure why I'm arguing against your claim that even Rizon started requiring identification in 2018, as that's the trend I'm arguing is going on, but Rizon is still safe last I checked.)

>The fact that you think that the only thing that rizon logs is your IP is fucking insane.

How can it log anything beyond your IP and what you send it? IRC isn't some proprietary malware garbage, it's an open protocol you can use with a reliable open-source client.

>No, no activity moved to discord that hadn't already moved to private channels.

Dude, even #bunbunmaru moved to Discord (not sure if the Discord is still active). I'm still in most of the (now-dead) IRC channels I've been in for over 10 years, and I've personally seen the exodus to Discord.

>It's literally the default option that you would be herded to and try first if you had no prior knowledge.

Only if you happen to know that Bunbunmaru runs on Wakaba, which you'd only know if you'd already visited Bunbunmaru before. Any search by someone who's only heard of 'Bunbunmaru' and '/bun/' won't find anything.

>Are you retarded? They literally can not know one without the other.

Are you? If I buy something from a store and pay with cash, the government has no idea who bought from the store (let alone who bought what) but unless there's fraud involved they know how much revenue from sales the store had.

>a past you never experienced and only heard about secondhand

Why do you insist on such blatant bad-faith lies like this? The last time we had a discussion like this I straight up proved I was there by de-anonymizing myself (and by now you've definitely already figured out I'm the same person). What do you hope to gain by lying like this? Is this some strange form of projection?

>> No.2147  
File: 1698956887227.png -(241907 B, 2048x1678) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>I did before posting just to make sure, and I was able to join a channel just fine.

Rizon doesn't allow joining channels without registration, and it doesn't allow registration without a whitelisted email address. This is literally just a flagrant lie.

>How can it log anything beyond your IP and what you send it?

How is "your IP and literally everything else" equivalent to "just your IP"? Are you fucking serious?

>Dude, even #bunbunmaru

Yes, private circlejerks of pseudonymous blogposters moved to a pseudonymous blogposting client. That is what I said.
You'll notice that the site is still there and is instantly available to anyone that spends literally eight seconds looking for it.

>I'm still in most of the (now-dead) IRC channels I've been in for over 10 years, and I've personally seen the exodus to Discord.

I feel that suggests something about the nature of the channels you use. Two webchats I frequented became ghost towns in 2022-2023 because the owner is missing, presumed dead, and that's it, everything else is still there. People who want to use discord use discord etc., and people who want to use textchats use textchats.
And people who want to post anonymously don't use #rizon, I guess, which would put it's users probably into the earlier category. But you already knew that.

>Only if you happen to know that Bunbunmaru runs on Wakaba, which you'd only know if you'd already visited Bunbunmaru before. Any search by someone who's only heard of 'Bunbunmaru' and '/bun/' won't find anything.

I increasingly wonder if you've ever used a computer before.
The only reason this is a three step process rather than two is because github is a rotting corpse.
There's also no need to have used/looked into bun to know it ran wakaba.

>Why do you insist on such blatant bad-faith lies like this? The last time we had a discussion like this I straight up proved I was there by de-anonymizing myself

You literally didn't prove anything lol. You continued to make statements that were in blatant contradiction to both the recall of people who were actually there and to recorded history.

>Why do you insist on such blatant bad-faith lies like this? The last time we had a discussion like this I straight up proved I was there by de-anonymizing myself (and by now you've definitely already figured out I'm the same person).

Yes, you're such a privacy minded individual who would never compromise their anonymity or use identifying services.
It's pretty funny to accuse someone of posting blatant bad-faith lies and then projection in the same post after attaching it to this chain.

>What do you hope to gain by lying like this? Is this some strange form of projection?

Nothing I've said is untrue, comically enough. You said things that were wrong (driven presumably by an affected nostalgia you've inherited from fellow larpers), you've made fraudulent claims about yourself (non-sequitur to the conversation), and then you've tried to imply that these claims have any bearing on the erroneous claims you made earlier. There's such a large distance from even the most basic verifiable facts and the things you say (whether because what you said is wrong or because what you said was unrelated) it makes me wonder if you're even capable of parsing language.

>I can't imagine anyone answering that honestly in 2023. Anything even coming close to that question is met with 'are you a fed?'.

I looked over the board to see if your old garbage was still up and saw someone say something pretty close to this and lo and behold, it was you >>252
I really don't know what your go is here. I guess if you're driven by some weird grudge to try and kill the site with low quality posts you've at least got the material down, if not the results.

>> No.2148  
File: 1698960407262.jpg -(72967 B, 512x385) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>You literally didn't prove anything lol. You continued to make statements that were in blatant contradiction to both the recall of people who were actually there and to recorded history.

How much more evidence do you need to prove I was there than showing I still run the same server I did since 2009, which I posted about on /jp/ at that time?

>Rizon doesn't allow joining channels without registration, and it doesn't allow registration without a whitelisted email address. This is literally just a flagrant lie.

I just used Telnet (to eliminate any possible automatic additional signals from an IRC client) to connect to Rizon from another IP (which I've never connected to Rizon on) and join a channel I'm in. I only needed to send a NICK, a USER, a PONG and a JOIN, and it worked fine. Fuck off. There's no point in discussion if you're just going to repeatedly assert falsehoods.

>> No.2149  
File: 1698961239667.jpg -(155989 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>How much more evidence do you need to prove I was there

Even one single shred would be a good start. You didn't post about it on /jp/, and you literally only showed that you had access to an arbitrary domain name.

>old internet


>Fuck off. There's no point in discussion if you're just going to repeatedly assert falsehoods.

Bold statement to make after getting repeatedly blown out regardless of how many times you moved the goalposts.
Look nigger, I know larping is kind of your thing, but people aren't going to affirm your rp if they're not likewise desperate to have you affirm theirs. If you want that, you can fuck off back to your discord. Prove - any - of your claims if you want people to believe them.

>> No.2154  
File: 1698968316397.jpg -(55275 B, 363x510) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The FTP is still up to this day on that domain (and I posted about the change from jpftp.mine.nu to that domain on /jp/ back in 2014).

>old internet

That was about old /jp/ (and I was a tripfag even in 2008 but didn't start the FTP until 2009). Considering /jp/ didn't exist before 2008 I obviously can't provide any /jp/-related identity proof prior to 2008.

>> No.2155  

Still waiting to hear how the internet is dying and we're being silenced by being top search result

>back in 2014


>> No.2161  
File: 1699034545912.jpg -(74068 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ten years ago, I felt embarrassed about the things I did twenty years ago.
Today, I feel embarrassed about the things I did ten years ago.
Ten years from now, I'll feel embarrassed about the things I'm doing today.

>> No.2163  
File: 1699046337006.jpg -(124655 B, 708x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can't remember if I wore underwear yesterday.

>> No.2168  
File: 1699133188150.png -(426940 B, 1215x717) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I forgot there were sites that show filename
god it's fucking lame

>> No.2169  

Old /bun/ used to show filename too.

>> No.2170  
File: 1699140296302.jpg -(92168 B, 720x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah culture improved
I'd attribute the modern trend towards no-filenames to ~2015-2018 /g/chans which is from the popular internet discovering stylography. Do you remember that fucking utility which was supposed to basically english->english translate shit that the TAILS spergs were trying to push?
Some places are still barbaric though

>> No.2171  

google scholar lol

>> No.2172  
File: 1699140835695.jpg -(261821 B, 1080x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

there's no filename because eye don't know how to enable it

>> No.2173  
File: 1699141019546.jpg -(399424 B, 550x698) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

just manually reply to each post with the filename that got submitted

>> No.2190  

You'd think there'd be an operation to retract the balls rather then cutting them or tying their tubes and leaving them hanging
I guess it's just another victim of the disease model of health impacting even voluntary surgery
fucking gay though

>> No.2191  

I thought voluntary castration was illegal to perform in basically every developed country? Last I checked surgeons removing balls for non-medical reasons get their license revoked.

>> No.2192  

What the fuck does that have to do with the post being replied to?

>> No.2193  

Isn't it referring to castration and vasectomy?

captcha: sex

>> No.2194  

Not really
Are you a bot? Are you a non-english speaker using translation software? Did you read the post before you replied?

>> No.2195  

Cutting the balls is castration and tying the tubes to the balls is vasectomy. I'm not sure what other surgery it could be referring to.

>> No.2196  

Those were explicitly, verbosely pointed out to not be the topic of the post
The nature of your reply strongly suggests that you are a bot. Are you unable to parse a negative comparative? Was I right on the money?

>> No.2197  

Why are you so angry, anon? I just found it unusual you lumped castration in with vasectomy and the hypothetical ball-retraction surgery as voluntary surgery, when as far as I know it hasn't been allowed as such since before we were born.

And what makes you think a bot would autonomously post on a niche site like this? We're not quite that far into AI development yet. You still need a human operator to dictate what a bot should do, it can just generate convincing text now.

>> No.2198  
File: 1699306590521.png -(126466 B, 542x477) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Why are you so angry, anon?

Why are your posts so fucking bad? How can you find reading this difficult?
I'm angry because you're asking the most retarded possible questions with an uppity fucking attitude about expecting to show that you know something that was fucking indicated by the post that you're implying is incoherent due to it's ignorance of that fact. What the fuck is your problem? Why are you such a hostile and smarmily reductive little shit?

>I just found it unusual you lumped castration in with vasectomy and the hypothetical ball-retraction surgery as voluntary surgery, when as far as I know it hasn't been allowed as such
>I guess it's just another victim of the disease model of health impacting even voluntary surgery

Like, you're not being genuine here, right?
I find it more fun to go along with trolling and give you the benefit of the doubt and treat it in good faith (that is, as if you are trolling me and are not just actually retarded). If I didn't extend this supposition of good faith then they wouldn't be anything to reply to a post as lacking in coherence or relation to it's parent as >>2191 since what the fuck am I going to get out of it if I'm possibly being shown some sort of brilliant new rhetorical technique?

>it can just generate convincing text now.

In that regards it is not much at all like yourself.

>We're not quite that far into AI development yet. You still need a human operator to dictate what a bot should do, it can just generate convincing text now.

What do you mean? The convincing text that it generates is just text that it's collated. Insomuch as it's convincing it is because it's convincingness is being borrowed from the source material.
On the contrary, there isn't any need for an operator at the level of directing the AI in the environment. Grasping it's context is actually something the AI is good at. It can pretty much pick up like, conventional reply formatting and tone and the sorts of vocabulary that sorts of posts (specifically, sorts of passages inside posts, but that is a product of sorts of posts I suppose). The operator, such as it were, is the original author of content in the material and the hierachial ranking tools baked into the material used to establish the expert system in the first place. An AI can more or less distinguish between an OP and replies not just for stylometric reasons, but because of the structure of the data it's been fed (the way urls have been generated in the past and such, the repetition of some things and not others). Anyway,
kill yourself faggot

>> No.2199  


>What do you mean?

What I mean is: While I can give this thread as input and ask an LLM to formulate a reply, it will not by itself visit this site, open this thread and formulate and post a reply. A human would need to go out of their way to either copy the input and paste the reply, or write code allowing them to auto-generate and auto-post a reply given a thread URL, or even write a complete bot that auto-scrapes the site and auto-generates replies which it automatically posts. But nobody's going to bother doing that for this site when there are far more active sites to target.

>you're asking the most retarded possible questions with an uppity fucking attitude about expecting to show that you know something

I was hoping you'd prove me wrong about voluntary castration not being legal anywhere doctors can be trusted to not also steal several of your other organs or just botch the surgery and leave you to die, because you implied it was still practiced as voluntary surgery.

>> No.2205  


>or even write a complete bot that auto-scrapes the site and auto-generates replies which it automatically posts

I feel like if you exposed a modern LLM to sample GET/POST from e.g. simple script based bots, they could probably figure it out.

>But nobody's going to bother doing that for this site when there are far more active sites to target.

Doesn't the fact that you're in this thread, shitting it up, bring doubt to that idea?

>anywhere doctors can be trusted to not also steal several of your other organs or just botch the surgery and leave you to die

There is no such place.

>I was hoping you'd prove me wrong about voluntary castration not being legal ... because you implied it was still practiced as voluntary surgery.

What the fuck is the relationship between these parts? Are you trying to imply that elective surgery (e.g. ~all cosmetic surgery) doesn't exist and hasn't advanced because it's ostensibly illegal?

>> No.2206  

Yeah, never mind, I have no idea how I can respond without making you angry. Please, take it easy.

>> No.2207  


>I have no idea how I can respond without making you angry

You could make responses that are related to the posts you're replying to
Or you could stop posting. Either works.

>> No.2222  
>Once he had coerced Alice into sending intimate images, Fordyce convinced her that she was complicit in making and sharing child sexual abuse material. Fearing arrest, she kept everything secret from her family and friends.
>Alice planned to carry the secret to her grave but then Canadian police noticed someone sharing child sexual abuse material online.
>Constable Pam Klassen, a forensics expert for the police department in Brandon - a small city about 200km west of Winnipeg - traced the IP address to Ryan Fordyce's family home, and obtained a search warrant.
>Pam Klassen tracked Alice down thanks to her school uniform, which was visible in some of the material

So the guy was able to coerce a girl using anti-CP laws, then she got outed by law enforcement. Clearly the problem here is that strangers can meet each other online. We need to shut it all down to protect the children.

>> No.2229  

You're such a pathetic and gormless bootlicking little posing bitch it's insane
What a fucking waste of digits

>> No.2256  

I can't believe Wikipedia even deleted the 'List of youngest birth mothers' article now because it triggered people. What happened to 'Wikipedia is not censored'?

>> No.2257  
File: 1700019289493.png -(172452 B, 600x420) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Every time Wikipedia is mentioned I think of the guy that wrote all those articles in a language he didn't know.

>> No.2258  
File: 1700023669199.jpg -(207130 B, 2000x1414) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>What happened to 'Wikipedia is not censored'?

Nothing, it never existed?
Kill yourself faggot
To be fair, correct writing on wikipedia doesn't require any understanding of the subject language since you're supposed to quote from source.
"jannies only speak english" will take you far on many sites, though

>> No.2259  
File: 1700024537146.png -(129859 B, 978x543) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Anon, that page was online for 15 years, and even in the deletion debate they mentioned that in earlier times it would have survived a nomination for deletion but that standards have changed. 'Wikipedia is not censored' is still listed as official policy there. (They also still have the cover art for Virgin Killer, though probably not for long either.)

>Kill yourself faggot

If all your conversation partners were to actually kill themselves as instructed, you would have nobody to talk to. Bunbunmaru already isn't exactly bursting with activity as it is now.

>> No.2261  
File: 1700025890449.png -(765021 B, 1408x1019) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>'Wikipedia is not censored' is still listed as official policy there.

Yes, did you fucking read it? It's the name of a policy, it doesn't mean that wikipedia isn't censored. It literally says in the policy that material will be taken down. Are you retarded?

>even in the deletion debate they mentioned that in earlier times it would have survived a nomination for deletion but that standards have changed

Policies have changed regarding 'list of all X' style trivia pages in general. What did you expect?

>If all your conversation partners were to actually kill themselves as instructed

The only person I've told to kill themself on this board is you, faggot.

>you would have nobody to talk to

And boy what a fucking improvement that would be over your whining. (you're also wrong)
Go back to discord.

>> No.2263  
File: 1700026357541.jpg -(212513 B, 750x747) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He wasn't quoting from sources, he was just writing gibberish and calling it Scots.

>has written articles on the Wikipedia edition by misspelling English words in an effort to imitate a stereotypical Scottish accent.


>> No.2264  
File: 1700028729590.png -(90491 B, 460x753) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>He wasn't quoting from sources, he was just writing gibberish and calling it Scots.

He was translating existing pages, so probably he was actually following policy and producing valid pages. The pages were perfectly legible (in english) anyway, and it's not like Scots is a real language. There are probably less original publications in and a worse framework for translations to it than something like aramaic.
But yes, it was a joke (hence the joke).
The person I was thinking of had been MTLing pages from the english in some semi-obscure european language and producing actual gibberish. I would have said maybe icelandic but I can't find anything on it looking for that so probably not.

>> No.2266  
File: 1700034810076.png -(733939 B, 891x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Scots is an actual language recognized by the Scottish government, and a 2011 census found that 30% of Scottish citizens use it.

You probably were thinking of this case, a lot articles about it say he was using machine translation.

>> No.2271  
File: 1700081543831.jpg -(240020 B, 1673x2331) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I feel like there was an older case that got unearthed by this one, though I can't be sure

>Scots is an actual language recognized by the Scottish government

Yeah I've seen this, but that doesn't make it an actual language. I chose aramaic for comparison specifically because there are diaspora communities that use it and they DO have original publications in that language as well as an actual standard of translation that's been professionally annotated (even if it's nonmainstream and considered quackery by less productive language scholars)

>> No.2357  
File: 1702380322206.jpg -(401399 B, 2000x1780) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thinking about my girls in gacha games that I abandoned.

>> No.2361  
File: 1702555138977.png -(1242175 B, 1123x1164) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

this is pretty good casting

>> No.2362  

If both others side players did make it to the final, would next year's sense of self be the top ranked self player or one of the other league players?
Is someone like remilia just doing wide angle divination hackery to prevent this from even being a question?

>> No.2370  

big man japan is otaku culture

>> No.2372  

meter ruined (2d) fighting games
CE was peak SF

>> No.2373  
File: 1702970123137.jpg -(806313 B, 768x2169) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

download 1.3 tb of gaki from the silent library

>> No.2532  
File: 1707864111116.png -(322616 B, 600x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

RPG Maker XP is free on Steam temporally.

>> No.2533  
File: 1707883844894.jpg -(116441 B, 996x1120) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yeah i clicked it thanks

>> No.2584  
File: 1709406281093.png -(1841126 B, 1700x2400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The elites don’t want you to know this but the little girls at the park are free you can take them home I have 458 little girls.

>> No.2585  

transformers are cool

>> No.2624  
File: 1710485160783.jpg -(730423 B, 2879x4086) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sensha-do being a girls activity and Nishizumi's family name being famous for it, implies that husbands take their wife's family name in the GuP universe.

>> No.2682  
File: 1711906961704.jpg -(238244 B, 1670x2047) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2683  
File: 1711921909254.jpg -(90106 B, 772x525) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2795  

I feel a new level of empathy with the Japan hikineets
It’s ronery here

>> No.2796  
File: 1715339858043.gif -(1194348 B, 418x279) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Given that Aqua purifies all liquids she touches, that would mean she cannot get pregnant because any semen she touches will just become water.

>> No.2801  

semen is a colloid

>> No.2809  

collected a few dozen bottlecaps for my bottleman i got in japan

>> No.2810  

100% Orange Juice is free on steam.

>> No.2829  
File: 1716556226158.png -(5968201 B, 2894x4093) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The new Idolm@ster game is good.

>> No.2948  
File: 1719132941947.png -(3762 B, 126x22) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

never did get that btn invite

>> No.2954  

The cicada's have been extra noisy bastards this year.

>> No.2985  


>> No.2988  
File: 1720110359893.png -(237430 B, 800x567) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Can you implement an image spoiler like old /bun/ had?

>> No.2989  
File: 1720117615989.png -(29670 B, 1052x377) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think I actually tried to do that once and it didn't work. I'm kind of retarded so if you know a php pro you can show them this and they might be able to come up with something I can paste in the main script.

>> No.2994  
File: 1720250958215.png -(264953 B, 1281x867) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I download wakaba, set up a localhost for testing and made a working spoiler system. It requires a few lines in a couple different places.

>> No.2995  
File: 1720251285121.png -(105814 B, 1197x281) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The first is in strings_en.pl.

>use constant S_SPOILER => 'Spoiler';

This line can go almost anywhere in the file. I placed after no file because I was making a duplicate of some of the no file code for the checkbox.

>> No.2996  
File: 1720252130390.png -(149343 B, 1046x416) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Next two are in futaba_style.pl. If you are using a different style.pl you'll need to edit that one. It should be the same.

>[<label><input type="checkbox" name="spoiler" value="on" /><const S_SPOILER> ]</label>

It's the same line for both sections. You can find the lines by searching for nofile. If you want the spoiler box to appear in front of the no file box, you can place the line above the nofile code in the first section.

>> No.2997  
File: 1720253058293.png -(209434 B, 1045x1220) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The last part is in wakaba.pl. Find the # do thumbnail section of the sub process_file($$$) function.
Add the following line somewhere below the # do thumbnail and above if(!$width):

>my $spoiler=$query->param("spoiler");

Add the if statement and in case the highlight section of code in between the curly brackets:

>if (!$spoiler)

//highlighted bock goes here


Add the following lines right after the last part:


Change the 100s to match the resolution of your spoiler image and the spoiler/1443474575.71503001.jpg to be the location of the spoiler image. I placed it into it's own spoiler folder.

>> No.2998  

I forgot to mention that the ass images are spoilers, so you know what your looking at.

>> No.2999  
File: 1720261994787.jpg -(128385 B, 1110x1100) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

uh test

>> No.3001  

I committed the changes to the github, thanks for your help

>> No.3007  
File: 1720427301531.jpg -(372802 B, 1663x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't really use Reddit because one time I heard someone sincerely exclaim "Back to Reddit!" and it hurt my soul. It was the cringiest thing I've ever experienced in my life at the time. A foundational memory that made me hate the idea of social media.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.3015  

got some cool pokemon cards with my store voucher

>> No.3016  
File: 1720678735113.jpg -(737358 B, 2235x1640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i like this image i like yuno in thighhighs

>> No.3018  

Bought a figure that seemed way too cheap. Warmly awaiting my Chinese bootleg.

>> No.3044  
File: 1721616755321.jpg -(269147 B, 900x672) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3053  
File: 1721785976218.png -(901330 B, 724x1023) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

got raid ready again

>> No.3054  
File: 1721791743123.png -(3773859 B, 2759x2830) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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