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808598 No.249  

add some kinda formatting thing that lets us do votes, we need to do a hags vs loli vote ASAP

>> No.252  
File: 1673241421152.png -(54163 B, 306x828) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

People on old /bun/ used to just use online polls for that.

>we need to do a hags vs loli vote ASAP

Do we really, officer? That kind of stuff is starting to get risky to answer honestly in 2023. The list in section 2 is shrinking and the list in section 1 is growing. The Wikipedia page 'Legal status of fictional pornography depicting minors' now has a note on top saying "For broader coverage of this topic, see Legality of child pornography." and there was even a recent suggestion to merge the pages. I'm also seeing the phrase 'child porn' increasingly used to refer to loli...

>> No.255  

Surprise box!!!

This is the peak of what I'm capable of adding.

>> No.263  
File: 1673281220830.png -(1033390 B, 980x1271) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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