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File: 1674559809585.jpg -(552803 B, 2508x3541) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
552803 No.544  

Its pretty ded for the same reasons 99 percent of the chans opened in the last couple years are dead in that its just a general idea with no built in community or targeted community just a chan for the sake of being a chan
Its just another ded chan with no community and no direction which is exactly what the internet needs and everyone should open a chan so the internet becomes a graveyard of 1000s of chans with a hundred or so posts a piece
Good luck altchan guy your ded board is definitely gonna be the one that ignites the alt chan science with your innovative new features like board creation
Hopefully you act really snarky on your boards with an admin tag never seen that before on alt chan
Thanks for this link I'll add it to the 200 or so ded sites I check regularly cause I have no real life and occasionally no has posted on sp in a few minutes

>> No.546  

/bun/ used to have a community...

>> No.547  

It didn't lol
the facebook community

>> No.548  
File: 1674568663759.png -(546184 B, 674x608) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Naw, /bun/ is gonna be king, just 2 more weeks baby, we got this

>> No.549  

my friend g-chan

>> No.554  

tell all of us about your internet friend

>> No.561  

he posted this pasta i think

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