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File: 1672287677454.jpg -(253712 B, 630x700) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
253712 No.44  

What have you been playing bun? Talk about gaming & find other bunbuns to play with here. I just started Valheim again after dropping it close to release. I hope to find that the devs have fleshed it out instead of taking their millions and running off.

>> No.46  
File: 1672298009236.jpg -(1331574 B, 1644x1096) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Dino Life Simulator

>> No.59  
File: 1672466909153.jpg -(1786677 B, 1500x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Bun has started hosting some games!

Bunheim pw: bunbunmaru
Install: https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/
Info: Comfy survival crafter that's co-op with opt-in PvP. Add it to your favorites!

Bunbun Fun Server
Install: https://store.steampowered.com/app/320/HalfLife_2_Deathmatch/
Info: Co-op puzzle/fun maps that mostly consist of solving mini-challenges. Find it in the server browser or type connect ip:port in the console to join.

>> No.60  
File: 1672468632940.png -(179776 B, 566x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Any reason you chose HL2: Deathmatch over Sven Co-op? I've never touched the former, but the latter is free. It might not matter too much, but on the off chance some neet doesn't have HL2:DM, it'd be easier for them to play Sven Co-op. Alternatively, you (or someone else, it's not very expensive) could buy a few keys for HL2:DM and hand them out if needed.
I'd also recommend planning particular times to play so that it's easier to play with others rather than hoping for a coincidence.

>> No.61  
File: 1672476613315.png -(13776 B, 400x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Map selection mainly. I've been pretty nostalgic for a bunch of old source maps as it's what I grew up with. I would've went with Synergy or Obsidian Conflict if it were easier to host as most of these maps are interchangeable with either mod. On the plus side, HL2:DM also takes the least amount of server resources to run out of all the source mods I can think of.

I don't really mind buying copies for 50 cents until the sale ends in a few days though I imagine most people have the valve complete pack at this point.

>> No.62  
File: 1672481583207.png -(32059 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I see. I was just curious. I will be happy to come play sometime in either case.

>> No.66  

how bout the new years party in a few hour

>> No.72  
File: 1672541898634.jpg -(486456 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I played Valheim for five hours but nobody was online, and Camp Skill Issue didn't let me in.

>> No.73  

I'm sick so I can't be on as much as I want to right now. It's cool that someone actually joined it. I was about to try and get people in the HL2:DM server if you're interested.

>> No.74  
File: 1672544003049.png -(109975 B, 600x506) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.75  
File: 1672546449484.jpg -(15099 B, 391x139) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I couldn't join the server because of a missing map. The server browser also said it had 0 players.

>> No.76  

The maps are properly compressed as .bz2 on the FastDL index. For some reason only half the people who I had test can download it properly. No idea what's causing it. I'll upload the raw files to try and fix it for you.

>> No.77  
File: 1672547144930.jpg -(30429 B, 339x395) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Try connecting now, if you can't you can grab the maps from https://bunbunmaru.ca/FastDL/maps/ and drop them into your Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp\maps folder.

>> No.78  
File: 1672548413009.jpg -(19741 B, 387x185) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

After having the game crash twice, the game got a loading screen after the third join and now I'm a hacker. Fun game. (No actual VAC ban.)

>> No.79  
File: 1672549339531.png -(837435 B, 849x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.80  


>> No.81  

which one theres a lot

>> No.83  

java edition

>> No.84  
File: 1672563555824.png -(47474 B, 400x260) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't have enough computers for that.

>> No.85  

I may be able to provide it. Please provide a means of contact so that we can work this out.

>> No.88  
File: 1672619880063.png -(339372 B, 875x639) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No thanks. Mineshafter doesn't seem to work anymore and I don't want to re-buy the game to use a different account that won't dox me. I could technically host a small server on the resources I have but I would have to shut down the other two because Minecraft is a RAM whore. I'm also not really in the mood for it.

I'll set up an email and put it on the FAQ page. You're welcome to host the game yourself and post the IP here, someone may join.

>> No.89  

Going to hop on Valheim for a bit.

>> No.90  
File: 1672625876484.jpg -(671945 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I feel horrible.

>> No.91  

Don't worry, I still had fun.

>> No.113  
File: 1672816556002.jpg -(254977 B, 1448x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

gonna slay some gay trolls

>> No.115  
File: 1672828238055.jpg -(569981 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

we did it bun we saved the city

>> No.120  
File: 1672908356211.jpg -(699356 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.121  

We keep missing each other, we need to be online at the same time at some point so I can grant you access to my ward (and the cartography table).

>> No.127  
File: 1672932143627.jpg -(363797 B, 2048x1152) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I need wood.

>> No.129  

I think I have quite a bit of wood in my home, but I just logged in and you weren't online.

>> No.131  

my bedtime is now and i am awake from 8-10 hours from now to now tell me a time TELL ME A TIME

>> No.132  

It's hard to commit to a time. I'll just leave the door open and ward deactivated and post about it here at some point, then you can come in and authorize yourself with the ward.

>> No.140  
File: 1673001353562.jpg -(307777 B, 2048x1152) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I need food. I'm also tempted to just delete the wards.

>> No.145  
File: 1673007680933.jpg -(250424 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

what the actual FUCK

>> No.146  
File: 1673007891802.jpg -(536819 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

its all ruined

>> No.148  

Well, at least you get all the resources back in this game.

>> No.169  
File: 1673073277679.jpg -(300881 B, 1200x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The airboats are apparently broken in the maps because they were compiled with an old script not updated for the new version of the engine. Without recompiling them or modifying the runtimes they will never work in hl2dm.

>> No.177  
File: 1673087692431.png -(149610 B, 480x569) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

the fine wood shortage is real

>> No.178  
File: 1673103492286.jpg -(349077 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Public works projects are such a pain. I just wanted to use my boat but no I HAD to build a dock for it first. It got destroyed after my first voyage.

>> No.180  
File: 1673107822913.png -(132590 B, 804x588) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is actually fucked. I finally found a place to mine iron but there's a catch. I wanted to take it back by boat but it was destroyed so I decided to build a base here to make stuff and teleport back. The problem is to refine it I need copper which is guarded by a two star troll which I can't kill. To the west of me is a Draugr village and plains which is inhospitable to say the least. The north is another fucking troll. South is just a mountain which I cannot survive in because I'll freeze to death. I'm kind of stuck here lmao

>> No.181  

I've been playing a romhack called Pokemon Orange. basically just an adventure based on the Pokemon anime's orange islands.
The game has a really good vibe to it, i just wish there was more encounter variety

>> No.200  
File: 1673125774274.gif -(1680041 B, 1000x563) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've been trying space station 14.
It's really lacking a ton of features and game modes compared to SS13 and somehow most servers are Russian,
but the engine works so much better it gives me hope that we can finally escape byond and get a good standalone clone.

>> No.211  

I've added a portal to a place I've named 'Farmeadow', there's still plenty of fine wood there. I also added a portal to Auschwitz (outside the gate). I also noticed the Plains are very close by north of Auschwitz, so you can go there to quickly die to Deathsquitoes.


>it gives me hope that we can finally escape byond and get a good standalone clone.

But Among Us already exists.

>> No.218  

I appreciate the sentiment but the reason my portals are all inside walls is because they keep getting destroyed. Did we get attacked a bunch of buildings are badly damaged. Rain only takes it to 50% afaik.

>> No.220  
>But Among Us already exists.

I don't even know if this is sarcasm or not. Never played it myself.
Among Us seems to be extremely distilled to the werewolf aspect of SS13.
What made ss13 special was all the autistic simulations and what they allowed.

>> No.221  

They can only get destroyed when players are nearby, right? If you're nearby you can just rebuild it.

>Did we get attacked a bunch of buildings are badly damaged.

There was an 'A Foul Smell From The Swamp' invasion event while I was on, but I was only close to my home and the portal place.

>> No.222  
File: 1673142813213.jpg -(383363 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Operation Death of a Thousand Cuts was successful. I got an Abomination Trophy for my efforts.

I was half-joking. As I understand it, Among Us is a simplified clone of SS13.

>> No.237  
File: 1673180294347.jpg -(432442 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Our first encounter with the Ruffalo clan on the sea route back from Cadia hauling iron. I'd get closer but, y'know, Deathsquitos. I wouldn't recommend invading Auschwitz by sea, the shores are rocky and dangerous during low tide.

>> No.240  

Among Us is not a simplified clone. SS13 is a lot more than just the premise of hunter/killer/clue-in. Because of how free-form it really is, a lot of stuff can just happen just because of how people want to play. They're not locked down to just finding the killer or something like that. Sometimes you just want to build something in space, or fuck over someone else with funny chemicals, or explore ancient ruins with your deathsquad-outfitted pals in a death mecha, or do experiments with a black hole and a box of dehydrated monkeys. This is something that is impossible in Among Us, because it is not SS13.

It would be more fair to compare Among Us to Trouble in Terrorist Town or Prop Hunt.

>> No.245  

do not enter mirai you may get stuck in florida

>> No.246  
>dehydrated monkeys

zoomers out this is a hag board

>> No.247  
File: 1673235862577.jpg -(337059 B, 552x658) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.254  
File: 1673242010347.jpg -(116272 B, 736x1312) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Quick are my chokes and FEA are my atmos. From lag we arise and to lag we return, mario is a ligger and creed can suck my ass.
There is no genuine ss13 successor because private server hosting fell out of favor. It's the general affliction of multiplayer games and the source of no small amount of the current zeitgeist's shittyness in that sphere. To put it simply, people became too good at (fluid simulation net)games and the choice became between servers that crash constantly or have other user-created issues (item stacks that killdudes your browser, for example), and servers that have triple mega gay administration(, and also all those same issues because shitmins are all retards and literally can not have basic concepts explained to them).
The closest thing to SS13, in terms of mechanical spirit, are probably colony sims. SS13 is something like an overbloated, overmodded multiplayer rim(job)world heromode server with a vote to end the round and some players given carte blanche to be wankers to stop the game from being autowin by default.

>> No.257  
File: 1673266292763.png -(1103558 B, 1123x859) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've built up a shack east bound and down but the enemies are extremely dangerous so I can't recommend living there.

>> No.282  
File: 1673350678762.png -(69141 B, 556x381) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

we do a little gaming

>> No.283  
File: 1673353504351.jpg -(341320 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've started another megaproject. This time to build a shipping channel to the north for easier access to the megaswamp containing the iron we need to progress.

>> No.284  
File: 1673359228195.jpg -(355981 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

“If you can’t move a mountain by faith, move it by carrying away stone by stone.” - Otamin

>> No.285  

Turns out it's impossible unless I mod the game.

>> No.286  

I was surprised when you implied it was possible. I know other games with terraforming (notably Haven & Hearth) have issues with turning land terrain into water terrain and often disallow it.

>> No.287  

You can turn land into water but the issue is the dig limit which is based off of the peak of the hill as it was generated. Just learned this lesson the hard way. A mod can change this cap.

>> No.288  
File: 1673374210491.jpg -(404889 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.456  
File: 1673885067969.jpg -(158293 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

so ive been playing the new pokemon and holy fuck the performance
its like a swery game
if that was fixed and the tasks werent copy pasted it at least be 7/10
also i caught a shiny

>> No.463  
File: 1673887778244.jpg -(99923 B, 568x712) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

But is the game any good outside of the bugs and performance issues? I've heard surprisingly positive reception elsewhere, but I remain skeptical considering Game Freak hasn't been amazing lately.

>> No.469  
File: 1673890994690.png -(462886 B, 973x666) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The performance is such a glaring issue that it's hard to evaluate anything else.
It's more open than swsh's designated "open zone" in that you can do whatever in any order if you can find your way there. However, the game doesn't communicate this very well so you might get stuck somewhere and wonder where the fuck you are supposed to go. (Usually the other side of the map with seemingly no rhyme or reason.) They did add a bunch of quality of life features but took away others. Battling feels slow and you can't use set style anymore. Like Elden Ring you have to go out of your way not to overlevel for encounters or the game becomes a cakewalk. It's clearly unfinished like the last 2-3 gens were on release. As it stands I can't recommend it unless you have a friend you want to play with as there simply aren't many Switch titles you can play online.
IGN 5/10

>> No.520  

played some runescape

>> No.533  
File: 1674442410717.png -(615768 B, 585x487) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.607  
File: 1674900013975.png -(1802618 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

so I'm trying ffxiv and I feel like I'm just gonna stick to the free trial forever
its just ironman mode up to level 60
whereas if you sub you have to stay subbed or you lose access unless you pay again
pic related its my mom praising me for doing a good job

>> No.617  
File: 1675052413308.jpg -(145088 B, 644x637) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

replayed dead space (2008)
had a good time but I abruptly got tired of the gimmicks and uninstalled it

>> No.654  
File: 1675253056586.png -(3864321 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ready for the first raid!

>> No.692  

I honestly have no idea why even the first game was so highly rated. Felt the same and I dropped it somewhere before the end. It felt really repetitive shooting arms off and I say that as someone who can bear hack'n'slash grind.

>> No.693  

all the consoleshit of that era got a free pass for graphix

>> No.785  
File: 1676127625982.jpg -(344330 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

tried dark and darker
its fantasy tarkov with a br circle that isn't p2w (FOR NOW)
jerma played it
i like it its fun

>> No.788  

/bun/ raiding other boards? sounds good.

>> No.794  
File: 1676221478253.png -(2759650 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

holy fuck

>> No.797  

I have no clue what I'm looking at here.

>> No.803  

being attacked, poisoned, and dying from being in the forbidden zone, i escaped with all the loot with 1 hp left
a few frame or two longer i wouldve lost everything

>> No.893  
File: 1677260074606.png -(68642 B, 1410x887) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've been playing YOMI Hustle.
Turn based fighting game, but very different from Toribash. You have a ton of moves instead of joints and you don't always get to make a move at the same time depending on how long your move takes to commit.
Surprisingly slow gameplay especially when you end up getting someone in a combo you construct like in some TAS, but a lot of fun if you have the patience.
Heavy on reading the opponent and resource management.

>> No.907  
File: 1677558258406.png -(1629007 B, 1564x1004) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

worldbox piqued my autism for a couple hours

>> No.908  
File: 1677558269676.png -(365609 B, 1140x858) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.911  
File: 1677560522159.jpg -(207575 B, 1042x840) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

reimu declared war on everyone and got slapped by the (((merchants league)))
they received divine punishment for their action and lost half of their population in holy fire

meanwhile on isle delfino the paisanos were just annexed completely by the tourism board

the moon clan and the boyz have surprisingly not fought for island supremacy yet...

>> No.912  
File: 1677560876235.jpg -(252975 B, 1104x880) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Marisa and Reimu are fighting. I have no idea which Religion will come out on top.

>> No.913  

I don't recognize the top-left map.

>> No.914  
File: 1677562066229.jpg -(256833 B, 999x863) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

reimu and the (((merchants))) have been annihilated
the tengu have declared war against humanity
marisa faction has been battered, but still persists clinging to the coast they are now forced to call home

>> No.915  

its from runescape

>> No.916  
File: 1677563238074.jpg -(192094 B, 969x797) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

the tengu faction has nearly made humanity extinct (wasnt me i swear they did that on their own)
the tengu agreed to an armistice in exchange for turning what remains of humanity into sex slaves

da boyz have killed most of the knife ears and have made peace with the tengu

all over it seems the nations are consolidating

>> No.917  
File: 1677566279351.jpg -(202159 B, 1069x826) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It was inevitable.

>> No.918  
File: 1677579520536.jpg -(994369 B, 3840x2160) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

『ELDEN RING』のDLC「Shadow of the Erdtree」を開発中です。続報はまだ少し先になりますが、ご期待いただければ幸いです。

>> No.920  
File: 1677583181940.jpg -(142661 B, 616x353) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yggdra Union released on PC this month. It's an old but platinum grid-based strategy game. It's main difficulty comes from the fact that it, like all other good and difficult strategy games, utilizes proverbial dick kicks as a source of difficulty. It has a combat system where you power up cards by defeating enemies and you can do a LOT with it.

Anyway, long story short I fucking love it please buy it I want blaze/gloria union with TL

>> No.923  

Surprised to see a translated PC release. I've been waiting for a translated Switch release for ages now (it released on Switch in Japan a long time ago). Might have to pick up the PC version instead, then.

>> No.1002  
File: 1679168204244.jpg -(177188 B, 1122x774) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

purifying all my shadow pokemons

>> No.1003  
File: 1679174493269.jpg -(160103 B, 1145x719) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

another retail shiny bros

>> No.1006  
File: 1679201760591.jpg -(357491 B, 2000x1414) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Been playing Pizza Tower. Just finished getting the perfect rank on all of the stages on the first floor. Exceptionally good platformer, would really recommend it if the gameplay looks interesting to you

>> No.1052  

the eshop is officially dead hope you hacked your 3ds or least got pokemon bank before it was too late

>> No.1122  
File: 1681833469777.png -(79069 B, 632x426) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/226620/ free steen
devs apparently fucked up so if you claim it within the next couple hours you might get their new game free as well

>> No.1127  

Newer announcement says people who claimed it for free don't get the sequel. I already had Desktop Dungeons, so apparently I just got a free new game. Nice, though I won't get around to playing it for a while.

Desktop Dungeons is fun, I recommend it if you like traditional roguelikes, puzzle games or simple RPGs. It's basically a single-screen roguelike, but all enemies stand still and you heal only when exploring previously unseen tiles, making them a resource of sorts. To win you need to carefully consider which enemy to fight when, and which tiles to explore at which points. Games are very short (about 10 minutes per round if I recall correctly?).

>> No.1130  

just play ero trap sweeper instead then lol

>> No.1259  
File: 1684297932163.jpg -(582993 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

the diablo 4 beta was ok and i got all the beta rewards
the monetization scheme hurts my soul
its been in the oven for 10 years and a lot is riding on this so it probably wont suck complete dick
im conflicted

>> No.1268  
File: 1684461665368.jpg -(45855 B, 460x215) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

free steen

>> No.1689  
File: 1692729522994.jpg -(42512 B, 970x546) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

uhh starfield or something

>> No.1691  

Oh, so it's done? Can they get to work on Elder Scrolls 6 now?

>> No.1692  

I guess??? Hope it's done before the end of 2025.

>> No.1693  

I highly doubt it's going to be done by 2025. Todd stated that they only really have active development of one game at a time and that they have only done preproduction for the ES6. The term preproduction is kind of vague, so I interpret as another one of his lies to cover up that no work has actually been done on ES6.

>> No.1717  
File: 1693338570027.jpg -(232325 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

they shouldn't have let me had this much power
level 33 btw

>> No.1730  

tried todds new game because it got uploaded by some scenefag
its about what you'd expect
wish i had an oled monitor the blacks look like shit

>> No.1747  

107 flipping hours to finish purse owner on hard

>> No.1752  
File: 1693974603274.jpg -(640271 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

exploring some old gmod maps i remember from 10 years ago

>> No.1753  
File: 1693976021123.jpg -(457563 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

can anyone read what it says

>> No.1754  
File: 1693976053245.jpg -(760773 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i like to imagine the thousands of battles that were fought on maps like these

>> No.1755  
File: 1693976398478.jpg -(442879 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

feels somehow fitting that this was the first ttt map i ever played

>> No.1784  
File: 1694400121740.jpg -(480448 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1793  
File: 1694482981037.jpg -(398939 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

uninstalled this game until more mod support and some kind of sale
why did todd have to copy nms

>> No.1825  
File: 1694832399094.jpg -(322611 B, 960x540) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I remember this map, I played on it during an 8ch TTT gamenight methinks...most vivid memory was sniping a tengu as innocent and pretending to be a traitor.......was very fun and brought me much joys.....

>> No.1950  

started mugen souls since it finally showed up with the sequel
flipping ebin that baste asia soft decided to release uncensored versions on the switch

>> No.1954  
File: 1696965802322.jpg -(805636 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

wew it only took 20 years but i got one legit

>> No.1955  



doesn't cound

>> No.1972  


>idolm@ster disrespect out of NOWHERE
>> No.2018  
File: 1698084365139.jpg -(63108 B, 599x657) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

gonno attempt the putin challenge, made a save for it: https://files.catbox.moe/ozjgma.7z

>> No.2042  
File: 1698284702078.gif -(5126632 B, 320x180) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's a real shame that barely anybody is playing Yumeiro Yuram online (I get that it's still morning in Japan, the only region it was released in, but still) and there's pretty much no discussion online about it (at least not in English). It's an incredible fresh take on the falling block puzzle game genre, so I'd really like it to be successful and influence other games. (Unfortunately they also released it at full price and it's very barebones for a full price game. But the core gameplay is amazing.)

>> No.2043  
File: 1698290743851.jpg -(173491 B, 960x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

gave up on the putin challenge it was bs
trying clear sky now instead

>> No.2044  
File: 1698296836687.jpg -(256459 B, 333x923) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2050  

I just spent literally 30 minutes in the online practice room without getting a match. I really hope this is just some technical error and the game didn't flop THIS hard.

>> No.2051  

Maybe it's trying to match you to near by people and failing because it's Japan only and you're outside of Japan. I searched for it on youtube and there seems to be a lot of vtumors streaming it.

>> No.2052  

Oh, I'm relieved to hear that. Let's hope it gets a Western release so I can actually play it with people.

>> No.2053  

Actually, pretty sure this is not it. When I do get to play people, they almost always have Japanese names. Pretty sure I'm getting matched to Japanese players.

Fortunately matching seemed to work now (though I kept getting matched to the same two players), but it's past 6 AM here. Not an ideal time to play.

>> No.2182  
File: 1699228849879.png -(5904172 B, 2480x2804) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

grail blogs

>> No.2472  
File: 1705636724057.jpg -(22537 B, 135x157) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2484  
File: 1705975278928.jpg -(412997 B, 2966x4096) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

enjoying palslop

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