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File: 1682974625057.png -(542498 B, 800x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
542498 No.1195  

And what is its history?

>> No.1196  
File: 1682978053172.jpg -(80803 B, 600x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The original /bun/ was a /jp/ spinoff from 2009 to 2022. I described the history in >>325. It died to CP spam in 2022.

This site was created in December 2022 as an imitation of /bun/. It's a decent attempt and a nice board on its own, but it's very different from the original /bun/. I wonder where the other posters went...

>> No.1197  
File: 1682984835235.png -(20665 B, 800x650) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Some of them were infighting and left I think I'm the only one I personally know who posted on the original, though a couple of others are still here like >>325-san. To elaborate on what I said in >>305 : The majority of people here are probably from /japan/. Everyone else are my friends from spinoffs I invited notably some new blood from gyate.net where they post gyate gyate content and play on a gyate gyate inspired tf2 server. I haven't really advertised beyond the initial shill wave hoping to spread easily via word of mouth instead of spamming links. On the plus side, the bots have left me alone for now. Please tell me your referral code so I can award credits to your account.

>> No.1201  

Has anyone who posted on /japan/ not posted on the bun though?

>> No.1203  

This bun or old bun? Either way yes. I didn't force a migration so some sokuniggers stayed behind.

>> No.1206  

As a head sokunigger (retired) (very retired) I can confirm my presence. I also can confirm my absence as I only post around once a month. Nep games are very fun and I look forward to making a good post about SvS, which I've beaten recently next month.

>> No.1208  
File: 1683067208696.jpg -(14665 B, 276x188) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Have hats been implemented?

>> No.1209  

Fortunately not.

>> No.3452  


I came looking for /bun/ trying to find a song someone recommended in the music thread, after not posting on /bun/ for probably over a decade. Sad to hear it died, but I'm glad I at least found this post to know the truth. Hope everyone from back then has an okay life.

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